I was recently asked, “What was your first job?” It caused me to reflect on the work done by my parents, as well as my own working career.
The first
memory this question provokes is of becoming aware of what a job is, and why one
is needed. As a child of about five or six, I greatly enjoyed being “Daddy’s
girl.” I would follow my dad around the house, yard, and garden, trying my best
to help and earn his praise. Daddy worked as a skilled journeyman typesetter – a
Linotype Operator – at a local newspaper on the second shift, so he left for
work in the afternoon and returned home late at night.
I wished he didn’t have
to leave and could stay home every day, so I asked my mom, “Why does Daddy have
to go to work?” The answer came quickly: “To make money, child. We need money
to have a place to live, to buy food and clothes and things for the family.”
Oh, OK, so it’s important for him to go. But one more thing: “What does Daddy
do at work?” The quick answer from a busy mom: “He’s a printer.” Not long
after, an adult asked me, “What kind of work does your father do?” My confident
answer: “He prints money.” More questions quickly followed!
Step-by-Step: https://youtu.be/YAOOz_7_v9Q
In Operation: https://youtu.be/M12sYvUb4)0
Thomas Edison called the Linotype the Eighth Wonder of the World. Made
of 10,000 parts – 5,483 of which were moving – its mechanics were finer and
more delicate than many of the operations that go into the making of a fine
watch. It used molten metal heated to 550˚ F. Mistakes landed in a “hell
box” for recycling. The seven-year apprenticeship included three years to learn
to operate it, plus four years to learn to fix it! The skilled craftsmen who
operated it were well-paid and highly sought after; they could move and find
work just about anywhere, and they created a labor union that was responsible
for eight-hour workdays and 40-hour work weeks.

My father
apprenticed at The Jackson Times in Jackson, KY, under the tutelage of Allen
M. Trout, and spent most of his career at The
Lexington Herald-Leader. I remember the industrial smell of hot metal and
ink infused in his clothes, the stray brass matrices/molds that would occasionally
appear in his pants cuffs, and a VERY LOUD tour of the Composing Room. Now I
understand why he was always so insistent on accuracy and good
spelling: on a Linotype, there was no backspacing over an error. A whole molten
“line of type” would have to be re-set just to correct a single comma or character
(then proofread again – backwards).
– Benjamin
“Carelessness does more harm than a want of knowledge!”
More than that, my father encouraged
me to learn a skill – “something that not just everybody can do.” His was
the mechanical age of Linotypes, mine was the emerging age of computers, but
our two vastly different careers had much in common. He retired in 1972 as
Linotypes faded from use. (He died in 1979; the
benzene commonly used to clean the machinery was likely related to his
leukemia.) My love of computerized desktop publishing and graphic design to
create a printed page was surely influenced by those early smells of ink and attention
to detail. I retired in 2022 just as Artificial Intelligence began to
revolutionize computing. I wonder what marvels the next 50 years will bring.
Growing up in Lexington, I received a very modest allowance for doing
small chores around the house, and I did some babysitting to earn a little
cash. In junior high I began to pine for teen-ager things that were more costly
than my earnings would cover – particularly clothing, as the family budget
provided only bare minimums. My first solution was to skip lunch at school and
save that money. When discovered, my parents put a quick stop to that.
Then my dear stay-at-home mother took a part-time job as a lunch lady/cashier at a nearby
elementary school to earn some extra pin money – much of which was spent on me.
Among other things, she bought me some trendy Aigner shoes, a white sweater
cape, a fashionable rabbit-fur hat, and a hard-bonnet hair dryer... She took me
shopping at the upscale Purcell’s department store downtown where we bought
three dresses, each of which I wore for years and can still describe in detail
(girls could not wear pants to school until much later).

Most importantly, she bought fabric and taught me to sew on her old Singer treadle sewing machine. I’m not sure I adequately appreciated or thanked her for the hard work she did in that cafeteria and at home to help fulfill my teen-age desires, but she set a strong example for working hard, budgeting, spending, saving, “making do,” and showing love.

Mom's Singer Treadle

Patterns for styles from 70s

My computerized Singer machine today
In high school at Tates Creek I had my first real job interview. A new shopping mall was opening nearby (Fayette Mall) and several stores were coming into the school seeking students to fill various part-time retail positions. I was selected for an interview to work in a stationery store. I was Very Shy, and So Nervous! Sitting in a counselor’s office at age 16, I gave what I thought were great answers (i.e., very precise and short) to the interviewer. Finally he asked, “Why should we hire you instead of someone else who walks through that door?”
Welp. I hesitated, with no idea
how to respond. It certainly did not seem right to brag about myself or to run
down my fellow students. So I consciously decided to just stay quiet and, hmmm,
look intelligently thoughtful – surely a technique to impress and guarantee
success? The interviewer waited patiently while I maintained a carefully blank
expression and ‘intelligent thoughtful silence’ for an awkwardly long time.
Finally he thanked me for the interview, and it was over. Needless to say, I
did not get the job. But I learned about the need for self-confidence,
assertiveness, and professionalism. I never forgot that question, and to this
day I still think of how I should have answered it. Speak up for yourself,
I cut high school short in 1972
when I realized that by taking only one more class in summer school, I could fulfill all academic requirements and graduate a year ahead of schedule.
I did so and enrolled at Lees Junior College in Jackson, Kentucky, enabled by a
strong financial aid package that included a work-study program that was my
first real job for pay. Due to my interest in sewing, I was assigned to work as
an assistant in the Home Economics Department. The enthusiastic young professor
was just a gem; work was fun! I got to use fancy new sewing machines, I learned
all about a brand-new kitchen gadget called a microwave oven, and my salary
helped cover the cost of tuition.
In 1974, while
enrolled at the University of Kentucky (UK), I landed a job as a switchboard
operator for the telephone company. Next were receptionist/bookkeeper stints in
the offices of a local cemetery and an appliance store, followed by secretarial
work at UK in the College of Education. When I was called to interview for a
really good job at IBM in 1978, I remembered my high school fiasco and nailed
it this time!
For a short while I worked for General Telephone as
an Operator providing Long Distance and Information services, often on split
shifts, sitting elbow-to-elbow in a long row of Operators with a supervisor
walking behind. Busy, busy!
Starting in 1977, I worked in a
state-of-the-art Word Processing Center at IBM Lexington, where we gave frequent tours to the public to show off the latest technology.
Typewriter: https://www.ibm.com/ibm/history/ibm100/us/en/icons/selectric/breakthroughs/
Card II Typewriter: (record
and replay/change text, no screen) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bW_jJjUarp0
System 6: (8” diskettes,
small orange screen, first/massive ink jet printer) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_OS/6
In 1980 I completed
a computer science curriculum called Special Programmer Training at the IBM Lexington
typewriter plant and became a Programmer/Analyst. We used time-sharing
terminals and batch processing for the mainframe computer that took up its own
full floor. We coded batch jobs using programming languages such as COBOL,
PL/1, Assembler, JCL, DB2, SQL and more; processing ran overnight, requiring 24/7
on-call duty in case of any sort of data abnormality or coding error.
Mainframe System 360
Personal Computer

of Data Storage
As Apollo 11 sped silently on its way to landing the first men on the Moon in 1969 (with my future husband working for NASA at Cape Kennedy), its safe arrival depended on a computer knitted together by “LOL memory” - rope core memory that was literally assembled by “Little Old Ladies.” In a factory outside
Boston, they would “weave” the software instructions by threading
slender copper wires through and around tiny magnetic cores. The
Apollo Guidance Computer had 4KB RAM and a 32KB hard disk.
Weaving the Way to the
Card 80 bytes (characters)
Mag Card 5,000 bytes
Floppy Disks 80KB-1.44 MB
CD: 700
DVD 4.7-17 GB.

Microchip components are so small they are measured in nanometers (nm). Some components are now under 10 nm, making it possible to fit billions of components on a single chip. In 2021, IBM introduced a microchip based on 2 nm technology, smaller than the width of a strand of human DNA. A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter or one-millionth of a millimeter. At that scale, it is possible to fit up to 50 billion transistors on a microchip the size of a fingernail.
Desktops, Laptops, Tablets, Inkjet and Laser Printers…
Since that first work-study job in 1972, I was continuously employed through 2022 except for a few months here and there, with major changes of direction about every 10-15 years.
In 1994, after IBM split off the typewriter plant to
form Lexmark, I was still working at IBM itself and there was serious
discussion of an out-of-state transfer. I opted to take a buyout instead, and with
my husband Al, started a retail business selling personal computers and office
supplies in downtown Paris, KY. After his death in 2000, I joined the local
public library as the Information Technology (IT) Manager, supervising the
library’s transition to automation, managing a network of about 30 computers
for staff and public use, and teaching computer classes for adults. For years I
moonlighted as a QuickBooks Bookkeeper for a thoroughbred horse farm – a
delightful spot with lovely folks and magnificent animals. Later I moved to
Frankfort, KY, and spent my final working years as the Parish & Financial
Administrator for a church, focused on desktop publishing and
A friend’s young grandchild recently climbed into an unfamiliar car and said, “Where is the button to make it start?” Demonstration was needed to show how to use a key to start the car. Technology keeps changing. Our Boomer memories are slipping into historical footnotes.
I remember when our first home telephone (a party line)
was installed, and the first large-cabinet, tiny-screened black-and-white TV
that soon followed. I remember calling and being ‘the Operator.’ I
remember watching men walk on the moon. I remember manual typewriters, word
processors without screens, and bookkeeping with oversize sheets of columnar
paper. I remember running inventory for a manufacturing plant with thousands upon
thousands of punch cards, and I remember driving to work at 2:00 a.m. to search
meticulously through huge stacks of printouts because somebody coded an errant
comma or other flaw, and batch jobs to process plant payroll or world trade
shipping were impatiently demanding the fix (shades of that infernal comma fix
on a Linotype!).
Nowadays just about everyone has a powerful phone/ computer
in a pocket or on a wrist. Starting an electric car takes only a pushbutton. Desktop publishing has replaced the Linotype
machine, but the process still results in creating something useful from thin
air. Daddy would be astounded! In my own Boomer lifetime, incredible gadgets
from science fiction and wondrous technologies such as microchips, fiber optics,
the Internet, social media, online shopping/ research/ entertainment/ education, streaming
TV and music, smart appliances, satellites, space travel, incredible deep-space
telescopes, and more – have carried us far beyond the fantastic, futuristic
dreams of our youth.
The knowledge of the universe is literally at our
fingertips, and Artificial Intelligence is already creating the next big
revolution in technology…
“Truly the magic of myth and legend
has come true in our time.”
Landrum Proctor
June 21, 2023
Dedicated to my loving parents
O.J. (Ollie James) Landrum, 1912-1979
Blanche Haddix Landrum, 1924-2011
and my dear husband
Allan L. Proctor, 1938-2000
(pictured at NASA ca. 1968)